Tuesday, April 10, 2012

To blog or not to blog, that is the question.

For starters I just wan't to put it out there, I didn't like doing the blogs when we first started. Notice that I said when we first started. As the semester went on I learned to like them more and more. There were some prompts that I just thought were a waste of time, and then there were others that I really enjoyed doing. As it has got later in the semester I have noticed that I have gotten lazy about blogs. I really liked going on to the class blog and reading what was due for our next class period and what not.

If had to choose between turning in our assignments in as a hard copy or posting it on the blog like we did. Well, I would definitely go with the blog. It was much easier to do that and we saved some trees. Now that I know we would have had to turn all those assignments and prompts in person if we didn't have the blog I take all the mean things I may have said in the last paragraph. Keep the blog it was much easier to use then what we would have had to do.

I liked reading other students blogs when I was having trouble with a prompt and things of that nature. For some of the prompts it was hard to really think of something new to say to everyone. So I didn't really like having to comment on each others things. Overall I am going to say the blog was a good thing to use during a writing 150 experience.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Website Analysis

The website I choose to do an analysis on was the new layout of Facebook. To begin if you look at the colors of Facebook it is simple, it uses blue, white, and a light bluish grey. The contrast is good too, there are two sides to the timeline which helps make pictures jump out more when you have a picture  on one side and no picture on the other. All the important info is gathered together in the middle of your profile in the timeline. When you look at the new Facebook layout the timeline is everything. Everything is focused on it. The color of photos and the rule of thirds changes with whose profile you are looking at. If you look at my profile I don't really do the rule of thirds or anything so mu pictures don't look all that artistic.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

3/28 Prompt

Lets see the issue I mentioned in the last prompt was that I was having trouble finding a call to action or a solution to my issue. I have sense then been doing more research online by going to different online dating websites and have been trying to figure out if any of these sites have a solution incorporated into how they match people. So far there has been little successes, but I will not fail and I will keep on searching.

Well for my first effective and ineffective use of visuals rhetorics in websites I wanted to use Facebook. I feel that the newer look of Facebook on people's timelines is very effective, when compared to the old style, in getting me to use Facebook more.
1. Facebook.........https://www.facebook.com/
2. Hulu................http://www.hulu.com/
3. YouTube........http://www.youtube.com/
4. Our classes blog......http://byuwritingandrhetoric150.blogspot.com/

1. My Blog............http://aaronrocksblog.blogspot.com/
2. Random page I found..............http://opera.stanford.edu/fans.html
3. The really good bad webpage design website .........................http://www.jaydax.co.uk/tutorials/webdesign/badpageguide/badpgguide.html
4. Welcome to the wolds worst website............ http://www.angelfire.com/super/badwebs/main.htm

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


As a people today we may be calling what someone may view as true or a fact a myth. We have gone from something being a legend when it is called a myth, to just being something their to entertain us. I mean their is a TV show called Mythbusters, and I for one can say that show is defiantly their to entertain me.

Well I have kind of been having trouble thinking of a call of action type thing to my issue. In my paper I am addressing that deception is an issue within online dating. It is just hard to think of a piratical way to get it to stop. I mean you can't get rid of online dating.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What I learned

The very first thing I learned in class was that BYU has a iPad room. In all actuality though I learned quite a bit from class on monday. I usually have trouble researching and I usually resort to just randomly searching online for what I wasn't. Monday's class period helped me learn of much easier and more effective ways of finding what I am really looking for. Not only did I learn how to find more stuff faster, I learned how to filter what I find to better suit my needs. Looking back on monday I can't really think of things I am confused about. I am sure there are question that I still need the answer to, but as of right now I really can't think of a single thing I need answers to.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Issues Paper Proposal

      The issue that I would like to propose for my issues paper is "Online Dating." Some issues that I feel have come about from on dating sites would be: the quality of relationships, people exaggerating and lying about info, dangers of online dating, the statistics for marriage and divorce, lack of face to face interactions, and how it isolates people. As you can probably tell from all the issues I put down, my initial stances of online dating sites is that they create artificial love if anything, and that they are overall not a good thing. The Research questions that I will be using will be: What is the quality of realationships produced by online dating sites? What are the faults with online dating? What are the dangers with online dating? How our people effected when they use online dating sites?
      I have done a little research on my topic thus far, and the information that I have gotten so far has been somewhat helpful. In online dating sites people put information about themselves and then get matched to someone like themselves, but people tend to exaggerate qualities about themselves. It is more common for people to lie about things to get that girls or guy. When putting a picture of themselves online people tend to put more flattering pictures of themselves, which can be very misleading. More will say and ask to do bad things on online dating sites. There is just so much more issues with online dating sites, but those were few things that I was able to find. I haven't really been affected by this topic personally. To say the truth I was watching tv and one of those eHarmony commercials went on. I got very annoyed by this commercial and thought to myself "There is no way that online dating sites can be good." Here I am now though, proposing this topic. I guess you could say I have been affected by this topic because the commercials annoy me.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

20 Issues

1. Girls need to start asking guys out on dates more (via the media)
2. Degrading morals in our modern and contemporary society
3. Effects of video games on violence
4. Video games effect on social skills
5. Affect of texting on social skills
6. Online dating sites
7. Pictures on Facebook can be misleading
8. People trying to take God out of Government
9. False Advertisements
10. 3D movies stink
11. Affects on writing brought about from texting
12. Video games
13. LDS church using media and how that is good
14. People basing their opinion on media
15. Blogging
16. Medias effect on obesity
17. Online Politics
18. Being Politically Correct
19. Everything about the media
20. Evils of evil things

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Favorite Movies!!!!!!

I word of warning some of my favorite movies are rated R so please forgive me.
- Cinderella Man
- Gladiator
- Saving Private Ryan
- O Brother, Where Art Thou
- Apollo 13
- Forrest Gump
- Inception
- The Dark Knight (Batman)
- A Knights Tale
- I am Legend
There are so many more I could say but I should just stick to 10.

Oh and for all you ladies here are two chick flicks that have watched multiple times and enjoy are.
- The Young Victoria 
- Tristan and Isolde

I just looked at Kennedy's favorite movies and I needed to add this one to mine as well.

Three things I will change

1.) The first thing I am going to change is going to be my title. My old title really stinks so I need to change it.
2.) For all my body paragraphs I am going to try to bring my audiences into the analysis much sooner.
3.) I need to fix some of my topic sentences for some of my body paragraphs because they all sound kind of the same.

Love Letter

Okay so my love letter is going to be written as if it was a church talk from President Monson. And it is between the two main characters from Pride and the Prejudices. Seeing how I have yet to see this movie all my research of these characters as been from youtube. I hope you still enjoy it though.

Dear My most dearest Elizabeth Bennet,
It is my prayer that we may be filled with love as we meet at dawn. You have bewitched me body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on and marriage in the temple will help us do that. Let us partake of the fruit of love and never fall to the adversary of divorce. This precious gift of love, however, not only brings us great blessing but also solemn resposibilties. We need to have moral courage to stand and keep of beliefs. Since that day, the first day I had meet you there has been time when there has been no one standing behind me, and I have stood alone on those days defending my love for you. Some other individuals love my dwindle away but ours will stand forever. I will not be dishonest, I will not cheat or lie, and I will not use filthy language. Remember that I love, I love, I love you. No man can serve two masters and you will be my only master.
With Love Mr. Darcy

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love is like Love

1. Their love was as awkward as watching two people being awkwardly in love.

2. Her musk was as pleasant as, um, I really don't know, something pleasant I guess.

3. There love was as bright as the sun, minus the sun part.

4. Love is like a star shining brightly, 
Shining for the whole world to see.
I can do and say happy things each day, 
For I know Heavenly father loves me.

5. Their love was like beard at BYU, it didn't exist.

My Brother told me to add this one:
6. Love is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the warmth it provides.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Three Letters

Dear Judge,

I am so sorry for what I have done. I know that I had gotten 3 tickets before this one and that anything I say to convince you would probably not be a good reason at all. Never the less in every case that I have gotten a ticket I know that I have not been going more than 4 mph over the speed limit. And even then I was going the same sped as everyone else. The only reason I feel I got this last ticket was that upon being asked if I knew how fast I was going I said and I quote "I don't imagine I was going over 4 mph the sped limit." The officer then agreed that I was going that speed, he then said that I had done something that I know I didn't do. I know that I probably shouldn't have answered him in such a rude manner but I feel that my tone shouldn't cost me a ticket I don't deserve. So please if there is anything you can do could you please help me out.
Thank you for your time
Aaron Rock

Dear Mom,

Hi mommy, I was just sitting in class today and I realized that I really wanted to write a letter to you saying how much I love and appreciate you. I also wanted to inform you of what has been going on in my life lately. I know I should probably just ichat with you if I really wanted to inform you of my life, but for some reason no other form of communication will be working for the next few weeks. So here I am writing you a letter. Like I said before I love you so much, you are the best mom I could ever ask for. And I appreciate everything you have done for me in my life. Now on a little lighter note, I kind of got another ticket the other day so I won't be able to drive for the next little while. Please don't freak out mom I will be fine. I have all my bothers here at BYU with me so it's not like I am going to have to walk everywhere. Just remember that you are the best mom in the whole world, a mom who would never get bad at me for any reason in the whole world.
With much love, your favorite son,
Aaron Rock

Dear Classmates,

I am not sure about all of you but I feel that every single one of us have gotten a fourth ticket, and that we are all losing our licenses. Well I feel that we all need to band together as a band of brothers and sisters to back each other up. It is so obvious that these officers are discriminating our class. I mean why else would we all be writing a letter to each other explaining the same situation. We need to get the media involved so these tickets will be dropped and we all will be able to drive again.
Aaron Rock

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Found Poem

I found this poem from the book "The Hunger Games," and I hope you enjoy it.

Sixty Seconds
By Aaron Rock

Sixty Seconds
   That's how long
      we stand 
        on our metal circles,

before the sound
    of a gong
       releases us,

Step off before
     and a land mine
        blows your leg off,

Sixty Seconds
      to take in the ring 
           of tributes 
                all equal distance 
                     from the Cornucopia.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Rhetorical analysis

The article I decided to read in depth was titled "Can you Hear me Now." As I read this article I felt that the author was informing the audience of how attached people are to their technology. It also seemed that he was trying to get the audience to take a break from their technology ever once in a while. In this article the writer used a lot of imagery. On of my favorite examples of this said "since our devices have become more closely coupled to our sense of our bodies and increasingly feel like extensions of our minds." I don't know about you but I read that and I just picture my mind and my phone being connected. He also had a lot of stories and examples in this article and most of everything I was reading made me imagine stuff. I am not too sure how an audience would react to this article to tell you the truth. I feel that this article had two different reactions to it, people could have been like me a thought to themselves that they do need to stop being so attached to their technology. Or they could have said that they don't need to spend less time with technology because they aren't as attached as the author said we are. I do feel that the author succeeded in what he was intending to do, and more of the audience would agree with what he is saying then wouldn't. Overall I liked this article and I am kind of excited to write about it.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Five Errors

Wrong: His teacher could't bring his grade up because the department only wanted that certain amount if A's given out.
-I forgot to add the letter n in the word couldn't.
Correct: His teacher couldn't bring his grade up because the department only wanted that certain amount if A's given out.
Wrong: The really reason that some departments use this safeguard and some don't is those departments only like to give out a certain amount of grades.
-I put down the word really instead of the word real.
Correct: The real reason that some departments use this safeguard and some don't is those departments only like to give out a certain amount of grades.
Wrong: Other relative curving systems only go into effect if and only if a class average is lower than a certain grade.
- I didn't put commas at the beginning and the end of the bolded area and it is needed becuase it is a nonessential phrase. 
Correct: Other relative curving systems only go into effect if, and only if a class, average is lower than a certain grade.
Wrong: Well the reason it can happen is that certain Departments at our school only want a certain amount of A's and B's and C's and so on to be given out.
-I should not have the word departments be capitalized.
 Correct: Well the reason it can happen is that certain departments at our school only want a certain amount of A's and B's and C's and so on to be given out. 
Wrong: Well the reason it can happen is that certain Departments at our school only want a certain amount of A's and B's and C's and so on to be given out.
-There should be commas between A's and B's and C's and so on instead of all the ands.
Correct:  Well the reason it can happen is that certain Departments at our school only want a certain amount of A's, B's, C's, and so on to be given out.

Peer Review Opinion:
Well I would like to say a actually really enjoyed getting all the feedback on my paper, it was all really helpful and will make my paper sound better. At first I was a little worried about the feedback, but it all turned out well. I wish I would have know how long it would have taken before hand. If I had know that I wouldn't have started the night before at 11:00. I didn't like how we had to do 5 per page because it was kind of hard for me to find 5 things on ever page, I think I would have liked it more if we had to do a certain amount on the whole paper.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Blog Post #1

A fallacy that I see happen all the time comes from our politics. In particular would be the example of Ad Populum in which you appeal to popular prejudices. The example the immediately came to my mind was raising taxes of the rich. Now there isn’t a particular quote I wanted to put down because I wanted to focus on the idea as a whole. Now the reason I believe this is a fallacy is with Ad Populum you will appeal to popularity. The reason this makes taxing the rich Ad Populum is there are more people under the income level required to have higher taxes then above. That means the Obama is appealing to the majority of the people to get the taxes raised.
The speech that I chose to analyze was the one from Henry V. And to begin I looked for Pathos and here are some examples that I found.
“The blind and bloody soldier with foul hand
Defile the locks of your shrill-shrieking daughters”
This is Pathos because he is saying “your shrill-shrieking daughter.” I don’t know about you but if someone starts talking about my daughter I am going to get pretty emotional and become protective over here. The next example of Pathos come from the following lines.
“If your pure maidens fall into the hands
Of hot and forcing violation?”
I believe this is also a good example of Pathos because I feel he is using something innocent namely the pure maidens and then kind of saying that this is what is going to happen if they do not give up. I also feel that he is saying that this will all be avoided if you give up as well as if they don’t it will be their fault for all that happens because he gave them the choice. This is a good example of pathos because it makes them feel that whatever happens is their fault.
The next thing I looked for was things that would go under Ethos. The first example of Ethos I found was in the following lines.
“Whiles yet my soldiers are in mu command;
Whiles yet the cool and temperate wind of grace”
I felt this was a good example of Ethos because he is giving himself credibility by saying that his men are under his command and the fact he has all these men with him gives him credibility.
The next example of Ethos I found comes from the lines.
“If I begin the battery once again, I will not leave the half-achieved Harfleur”
The reason I feel this is an example of Ethos is it is showing us that he didn’t just walk up and give this speech but he started the siege and then halted it to give this speech. I feel that line shows us that he has credibility because he was probably already winning the fight. It also shows that he has more credibility because it isn’t all talk and no walk. 
The last thing I looked at was Logos and the first example of it I found was in the following lines.
“If I begin the battery once again,
I will not leave the half-achieved Harfleur”
Logos is logic and it is logical that he is telling the truth and he won’t stop until it is over. The next example I found was in the lines that I used before that said the following.
“The blind and bloody soldier with foul hand
Defile the locks of your shrill-shrieking daughters”
I feel this is Logos because it is very logical that if the siege continues daughters will be defiled by his soldiers.