Tuesday, April 10, 2012

To blog or not to blog, that is the question.

For starters I just wan't to put it out there, I didn't like doing the blogs when we first started. Notice that I said when we first started. As the semester went on I learned to like them more and more. There were some prompts that I just thought were a waste of time, and then there were others that I really enjoyed doing. As it has got later in the semester I have noticed that I have gotten lazy about blogs. I really liked going on to the class blog and reading what was due for our next class period and what not.

If had to choose between turning in our assignments in as a hard copy or posting it on the blog like we did. Well, I would definitely go with the blog. It was much easier to do that and we saved some trees. Now that I know we would have had to turn all those assignments and prompts in person if we didn't have the blog I take all the mean things I may have said in the last paragraph. Keep the blog it was much easier to use then what we would have had to do.

I liked reading other students blogs when I was having trouble with a prompt and things of that nature. For some of the prompts it was hard to really think of something new to say to everyone. So I didn't really like having to comment on each others things. Overall I am going to say the blog was a good thing to use during a writing 150 experience.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you warmed up to the idea of blogging! I felt like it was a successful class endeavor.
